My rating: 5 of 5 stars ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
December 30. 2013
Blurb: November is looking forward to getting to know her father and the safety of a small town. After leaving the Big Apple and her bad memories for Tennessee, November starts working for her dad at his strip club doing the books. The one time she’s allowed there during club hours she runs into Asher Mayson. He’s perfect until he opens his mouth and makes assumptions. November wants nothing to do with Asher but too bad for November, fate has other plans.
Asher Mayson has never had a problem getting a woman, that is until November. Now all he can think about is making November his and keeping her safe.
My Review
5 Over the Top Alpha *HOT* StarsUntil November was something I bought on a hunch. I noticed it on many of my Goodreads friends pages and when it went on SALE I figured I should give it a shot. Thank my lucky stars that out of the thousands of books I have, I actually picked this to read. Boy, I had no idea what to expect and I am so in love right now I could gush about lollipops and candy canes.
I rarely ever love so much about a story as I did about this one. Asher is my new Alpha-Male, Book-Boyfriend Obsession. Like I would sell my soul to have an Asher of my very own. From the very start, November is his. Their first meeting may not have inspired a long lasting love, but Asher wants November and he’ll do or say whatever he can to make that happen. November is no wilting wallflower, she gives as good as she gets, especially where Asher is concerned. This girl tests him at every corner and watching them interact and November ignoring his demands at every turn was a nice change.
Like the blurb says, November moves from NY to Tennessee to live with her father, whom she’s only known for a few short years but is more of a parent to her than the mother she grew up with. November is hesitant to Asher, he’s hot and a total playboy so why should she throw in her heart to only get it trampled. But in Asher’s world, the possibility that November may not be his or ever be his, DOES NOT and CANNOT register. For a short amount of time, November is able to resist. But Asher is undeniably the hottest most unresistable man so I can understand her caving so quick. I wouldn’t say it’s insta-love if that’s off-putting to you, but the relationship between these two does develop quickly.
There’s nothing too fancy or over the top about this book either aside from a minor suspense and mystery as to who is possibly stalking November. But yet it was so well written in my eyes, that every scene flowed easily and possessed no moments of overkill. I loved the pace of the story. There’s a few minor time jumps but within the rhythm of the story it just flows. Even the ending, which was AMAZING, started (I think) early enough on that I feel like everything I wanted to see and see accomplished happened. As if this book magically answered my book dreams.
Asher is HOTT. No doubt about it. His brothers, Lord help me, there’s too much hotness for one room to contain. And having the setup for Trevor and Liz’s story wet my whistle just enough that Until Trevor has bumped my top up-next-books down. And I could care less. I cannot wait to read more of this series. All the brothers are enticing and potentially as delicious and possessive as Asher. If all they need is the right girl to get them that way, well boys, look no further.
Great Series, Great Author, Desperately waiting for me. I would highly recommend this book, to all my book reading friends. I was pleasantly surprised and just blown away by how much I loved this book. I NEED MORE…..
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