Hey all-
Today we are part of the Battlescars Blog Tour. Check out this exclusive interview with Author Sophie Monroe below...

Author Interview
Today we are joined by Battlescars Author Sophie Monroe. Let's start off easy with some Author questions...
1.How old were you when you started writing?
What motivated you?
I started writing in elementary school all the
way through college. The thought of becoming a writer full time didn’t occur to
me until last year when I had an idea for a story and it kind of just took over
from there.
2. What are you favorite genres either to read or
write…? And can you pick 1 or 2 all-time favorite books?
Goodnight Moon is my all time favorite because it’s what my mom
used to read to me when I was little.
3. Who is your favorite author? Do they help inspire your own writing? If so, in what way?
I don’t necessarily have an all time favorite
author. I just like anyone that can tell a great story. The ones that make you
fall into their world for a while are the best!
4. What aspects have you
included from your personal life in your writing such as setting and/or
character traits…?
I’m extremely sarcastic and a bit of a smart
ass so I think that shows in Aubrey a bit. I’m also strong willed and like to
think that I can do anything I set my mind to so there’s that too, lol. I think
the ability to overcome obstacles in life is something that I like to give my
characters, just because things aren’t always rainbows and unicorns doesn’t
mean that it’s a bad life.
5. What’s your favorite
childhood memory? Why is it so special?
I don’t think I could pick just one. If I had to narrow it down
it would be going to the shore every summer, but probably just being with my
family in general. I’m extremely close to my parents and still talk to them
several times a day.
6. What book are you reading now?
I just read Beautiful Bastard, but my TBR list is so long
because I’ve been trying to work on Afflicted.
7. Are there any new authors that have grasped
your interest?
Nickie Seidler is working on her debut and it
sounds really good. We’ve become friends so I’m excited for it.
Book Questions
1.How did you come up with the title?
It just kind of came to me. I was trying to
think of a band name, one that wasn’t already used and I like the idea of
overcoming scars so tada, Battlescars was born. I know some people were a
little peeved because they think it should be two words but it’s my band so I
can make it one word if I want, lol.
2. Where did the idea for Battlescars come from?
I like this question. I love music, I pretty much live for it and have for as long as I can remember. I think a lot of rock stars get a bad rep so I wanted to make a character that was modeled after some of the ones that I know or know of that are the opposite. There are so many that do wonderfully amazing things by using their names and they don’t get any recognition for it because of the stigma attached to being a rocker.
3. Who was the inspiration for Jake, the novel’s
angsty bad-boy rocker?
I don’t know if it was really just one thing/person in
particular. If it helps my muse was Sal Coz Costa, formally of My Darkest Days.
He looks one way but he’s so kind and really does so much philanthropic work,
it’s really inspiring. I guess using your talents for greater good was really
what I wanted Jake to posses.
4. If you had to do it all over again, would you change
anything in Battlescars? A name, plot point, setting?
I don’t think I would really change anything. I know one of the things that
people commented on the most was the fall fast/hard but if you look at what
Aubrey’s been through and Jake’s balls to the wall personality it’s fitting.
Even though they jumped fast they took things slow too. So I wouldn’t change
that either J
5. Did you learn anything from writing
Battlescars? If so, what was it?
I think I learn something each time. I think with Battlescars my
writing was stronger, but I think I learned how to develop better in Afflicted
so I guess only time will tell.
6. Do you have anything specific that you want to
say to your readers?
I love and appreciate each and every one of you, seriously I do.
Every email, wall post, everything is amazing. I read and respond to each and
every one of them because without your readers and fans you’re nothing. I love
to interact with them and find out what they liked and didn’t like so I can
improve future stories and I take it seriously.
7. What were the challenges in bringing
Battlescars to life?
Surprisingly it came together rather easily. Once I had the characters and
their personalities down the rest kind of just flowed and developed. Not that
there wasn’t the occasional writers block or re-write, but overall it just came
out without a hitch.
8. Do you have any advice for other writers?
Just keep writing. I got really discouraged after Second Chance
Romance came out because there was a lot of issues with formatting and editing
and I almost gave up because I thought I sucked, but I love to write so I’ll
just keep doing it and even if I only sell one copy to my mom I’m fine with
that too.
9. What are you working on now? Anything new?
I’m working on Afflicted, which is a spin off
of Battlescars. It’s Blake and Piper’s story. I’m hoping to have it out
sometime in June and you can check my facebook page @ www.facebook.com/sophiemonroewrites for sneak peeks!
Thanks so much Sophie for your time!! Looking forward to more from the Battlescars World..
EXTRA: Check out this exclusive story about Jake from Battlescars HERE
Sophie is giving away 10 e-books of Battlescars and 1 signed
copy. Please use the rafflecopter link below for the giveaway. No individual
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