Title: Screw It (It #2)
Author: Nicki DeStasi
Release Date: October 24. 2014
Author: Nicki DeStasi
Release Date: October 24. 2014
Blurb ~ I’ve been screwed.
It started the day I was conceived.
When I was eleven, life crushed me into grotesque, mangled fragments. I glued the shards of myself into a mosaic fitting of a child. I learned one important thing from that experience.
Controlling your destiny keeps the vultures at bay. Control keeps my life from disintegrating. It keeps my life on the path to the woman I want to be.
Not who they say I am.
As time goes on, life hits and smashes and I take it. Every snide word, every crack in my heart, every self-righteous glance again and again.
Screw that.
I’m done.
For the next hour, we play hide-and-seek. When I was a kid, I used to play this game with my parents. These days, I do it with both Jed’s and my sister, Christy’s, kids, but I’ve never had this much fun. That’s because Becca plays the game with more excited enthusiasm than the kids. She’s a totally different woman—throwing her head back and laughing, joking teasing, tickling.
It dawns on me that she didn’t have this growing up. I don’t know her whole story, but the bit I know tells me that smiling, laughing, and tickling didn’t happen often. So, now, she’s soaking it all up and giving it right back to these kids. It’s a thing of beauty.
This doesn’t take into account that, after a while, she pulls me into her fold. She grabs my hand and laughs without abandon when I do something goofy for the kids. Christ, she doesn’t stop smiling once, and it’s nothing but genuine, even when aimed at me.
It’s not just a thing of beauty. It’s beautifully sweet.
My girl—pure sweet.
Now, it’s Nick’s turn to seek, and he’s a speed counter, so as he fires off numbers faster than he eats jelly beans, Becca and I rush around to hide the other three. I pop Ashley in the shower and tell her to be quiet as Becca hides the other two somewhere in the room the girls share.
Nick gets to eighteen when I get out of the bathroom just as Becca emerges from the bedroom. My blood is pumping, and I’m grinning from ear to ear. Becca giggles as our eyes dart around, looking for a spot to hide.
“Ready or not, here I come!”
I spot a closet door, open it, and grab Becca’s hand to drag her in with me before closing the door, shrouding us in darkness.
Seconds tick by with our breaths coming out in heavy pants, the excitement still pumping through my body, when I realize that this closet is way too small for both of us. Her body is plastered against mine. Her face is at my chest, her hot breath seeping through my shirt, and it’s killing me. It’s not because I don’t want her exactly where she is, but because I don’t think she’s ready for what it’s doing to me. I can’t see a fucking thing, so every exhale and every movement is amplified in a way that’s making my dick hard.
“Thanks for the hiding spot,” she whispers against my shirt, making me grit my teeth.
“Don’t mention it,” I whisper back.
She smells so damn good, the scent of oranges and lavender permeating the air around us. I suck in a breath when she slowly, hesitantly snakes her arms around my waist.
“It’s more comfortable than having them squished between us.” She tenses her arms, accentuating her words.
“Mmhmm,” I mumble.
After a few seconds, she says quietly, “I forgot how good you smell.”
Fucking Christ.
Maybe I was wrong about her not being ready. My heart hammers, and my semi-hard cock jerks.
Tits sliding across my chest, she lifts up and gives my collarbone a touch of her tongue.
The feel of her tongue is soft, hot, wet. My chubby grows harder, and it takes everything in me not to drive my hands into her soft hair and take her mouth.
“Sweets, you sure you’re ready to go there?”
“I just wanted to see if you taste as good as I remember.” She glides back down.
The disappointment moving through me does nothing to stop my dick from throbbing. “Fuck, Becca. Don’t do that again if you’re not ready for that shit. There’s only so much a man can take.”
She’s silent.
I try to ease my dick down, but it’s pressed against her hard stomach, and I know she can feel it. There’s no way she could miss it, and the idea that she’s aware of my dick is not helping me find my calm. In fact, it’s the opposite. It’s been six years, but I know how good she tastes, how well she takes direction in bed, how fucking phenomenal her tight pussy sliding up and down my cock as I hold her hands looks and feels.
Without thinking, I tangle both my hands in her hair, which is longer than before but no less soft. When she sucks in air, my hips jut forward, my dick rubbing against her tight abs.
A moan catches in her throat, so I tilt her head up. I move my head downward at a snail’s pace, giving her time to push me away.
A half inch from her mouth, feeling her heavy breath against my lips, I ask, “You sure?”
As her answer, she closes the distance, and the instant her lips touch mine, fire sweeps through me, and I’m all over her. With my tongue devouring and my hands on her ass, I take everything, and she gives it. Her nails dig into my shoulders as she moans.
The door swings open, and the light is blinding, even behind closed lids.
“Found you!”
3.5 Conflicting Stars
Copy provided During tour for Review
November 16. 2014
I’m conflicted on how to write this review without making it
overly obvious how much I hated the Hero-Zach. He is a pompous bossy asshole
and I felt as if he slowly killed every good part of this book when he would
enter a scene or open his fool mouth.
When we first meet Becca she is trying to unsuccessfully
kick her booty call out of her apartment. Things get a bit crazy when he throws
out words like relationship that make Becca’s head spin. Due to her sad and
what she sees as a tainted childhood, Becca does not do relationships or
emotions. Having cared mostly for herself and her mother as a child and then
finding her mother dead has hardened Becca and even at 28 she still bears the
scars she did as a child.
After his brother was shot, playboy Zach decided it was time
to change his ways and for the past six years he’s been on the lookout for the
one, ready to start a family and head towards a HEA like that of his parents. Unfortunately
for Zach, if he wants that, that perfect relationship with Becca he needs to
not only redeem himself, but prove that he’s worth it, after he broke her years
ago. Zach is the one man Becca ever had a relationship with and after that
ended disastrously she took a cue from his life and lived freely using sex for
pleasure and leaving emotions at the door.
There are many things I enjoyed about the story including
Becca. She was a kick ass character who has continually struggled through her
life and even when she slips up, she gets back up more than determined to
conquer her dreams than ever before. She works enough hours she barely has time
to breathe let alone sleep but she’ll do anything to prove to herself and to
everyone she’s not her mother. With Zach back in her life and showing no signs of leaving, Becca sees only one thing to do; she has to screw him, literally and figuratively.
When it comes to Zach I have nothing good to say, I hated
him. Becca often calls him a dick and she’s not wrong. He barges into her life
and like a bug, is constantly buzzing in the background. He’s bossy and often
unreasonable especially given how solitary and closed up Becca is. They fought
so much that it became a bit too much and though it was realistic I just wanted
her to knee him in the balls and walk away.
The story itself was very well written and I enjoyed the brief
snippets of Jed and Anna from Worth It. I also really enjoyed Becca’s
salvation/brother Matt. He was the first on the scene when her mother died and
years later the two are as close as siblings. It was a wonderful addition to
see Becca welcomed into Matt’s family as she really sheltered herself from
everyone else, no other friends or family, just a nagging girl named Kim who
has hated Becca for as long as she can remember. It’s easy to hate Kim early on
and I thought the twist at the end was a bit of a shocker.
I found Screw It worked more as a romantic suspense than
Worth It. Once again the sex scenes are tame and often cut so a dirty
imagination is certainly required. This was another great addition from Nicki
DeStasi and I can’t wait to read more, hopefully the next hero will be more up
my alley. J
Book #1 Info

Jed wants to find the right woman and he’s drawn to Anna by carnal magnetism, but she also brings out an Alpha side of him that he’s never known. When his alpha rears its head, it triggers memories in Anna and her carefully crafted wall of protection begins to show cracks.
When fate and misunderstandings threaten the already delicate relationship, can they survive? When Anna’s demons threaten to be unearthed and Jed’s inner alpha only seem to make them worse, can they overcome?
Is it even worth it?
Warning: This book contains graphic violence, sex, and adult language
Author Info

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