Author: Kirsty Moseley
Release Date: March 25. 2013
Tour Host: All Things Books
Blurb ~ Nate Peters is living the playboy life. He has great friends, a great job, no responsibilities, no girlfriend, and he loves it. Nate, being incredibly skilled with a pick-up line, has never failed to get a girl in his life… until one day he meets Rosie York. Rosie is completely uninterested in him. Being unable to stand a dented ego, Nate makes it his mission to win her over. Not used to putting in much effort, Nate is surprisingly enjoying the chase of this off-limits little brunette. Maybe he has finally met his match… But Rosie has a few surprises of her own which will make it remarkably more difficult for him to get close to her. *Please note that this is a companion novel to Nothing Left to Lose*
My Review
March 2. 2014 ~ ☮ ~4 Stars ★★★★
Copy provided by the Author for an Honest Review
Let me start by saying that I did not like Nate in the beginning. Personally he seemed to surpass the typical man-whore stereotypes and take it one step further. Every night Nate has a new girl, hell, maybe even more than one a day. It’s his life, basically sex is the only release he knows. Actually having a girlfriend? Yeah, right, not this man.
I was quickly sucked into this story. I’ve read other books by this author and loved them all. Slowly Enjoying the Chase grew on me and even with a somewhat lengthy read I managed to finish by 4 AM. I’m honestly shocked by how much this book grew on me. Both Nate and Rosie were great characters and the dual POV was a great way to understand them both. Again I repeat I wasn’t a fan of Nate. Especially when he gets mad, he doesn’t always behave in the most adult like manner. Depending on perception there is a sorta cheating moment that occurs but again I think it’s all based on perception. Rosie was a strong character and considering her shitty past I was surprised she forgave and moved on with Nate so easily and quickly.
I was surprised by how different this book was than Nothing Left to Lose. Where that book had a more suspenseful nature mixed in with the romance, I felt that Enjoying the Chase was more focused on the relationship and growing bond between Nate and Rosie rather than any other outside drama. Considering there is not much more than a romance going on, the story did not feel overly long or draggy to which I am extremely grateful.
Nate first meets Rosie in the hospital visiting his best friend Ashton, Anna and their newborn son. (Characters from Nothing to Lose.) Nate’s first thought is how badly he wants Rosie in his bed. She’s a distraction he wants out of his system and he has plans for her. What Nate never expects is to have Rosie turn him down. Nate NEVER gets turned down. His overly cheap and skeevy lines seem to work like magic and have panties thrown at him in an instant. Rosie’s panties don’t come anywhere near Nate and he’s extremely disappointed. Over and over Rosie turns down Nate and his man-whore ways. Rosie has secrets that make her life a lot more complicated and living the young life like Nate is out of the question.
However, Nate doesn’t give up easily. He can’t get Rosie out of his mind and won’t stop until he has her. Of course things get a bit more complicated when Rosie informs him she doesn’t sleep with anyone she doesn’t love. Uh-Oh. Hold the breaks. Obviously this puts Nate, a man who can’t without sex for a day, in a touchy position. Should he give up on Rosie and move on? Or does he have the will power to last and make her fall in love with him? (I don’t think Rosie’s ‘secret’ was too hard to guess even before it was brought up. But I don’t think it matter because she’s such a strong and powerful character that this just makes her much more likable and respectable.)
This book had a surprising amount of LOL moments. I wasn’t expecting that. I had to take a break at one point because of how badly my face was hurting. The character of DJ added a lot to this and I don’t want to give away too much about him but he was great, adorable and almost too perfect.
When the end came I was shocked. Things seemed over too fast and I was sad to say goodbye to these characters. I couldn’t have been more surprised but the shocking climax at the end though, it was pretty scary. Nate completely turned me for a loop. I am totally a Nate-A-Holic now and I’m not usually one to fall for a bad boys charm no matter what. Rosie is just what Nate needs to become a real civilized man. He learns how to grow up to a point and be worthy of someone like her. As if him being a SWAT agent, a deadly shot and a perverted non-romantic, he is also a hero and I guarantee he will capture your heart as he did mine and Rosie’s. This was a great romantic read with a steady non-insta-love romance that was enjoyable to read. Smart mouth kids, over-exuberant mothers and a beautiful love is what you’ll find here…
About The Author

“I’m happy on my own now; my life is finally back on track after five years
of shit. I don’t need a man to make me happy anymore. I.
Don’t. Need. You,”
she stated, breaking the last sentence up for emphasis.
I could see she meant it, and I was going
to have to work my ass off to change that. Could I get behind the huge
defensive wall that she’d obviously built around her heart? Could
she make herself vulnerable again? And could I trust myself not to hurt her?
For a split second I considered just leaving, like she’d asked, just walking away in case I wasn’t man enough for this task. But I didn’t want to leave. I liked her, probably way
too much for my own good. I could easily see myself falling for her, hell, I’d probably fall for her long before she
let down her defences for me, and I would be the one with the broken heart in
the end.
“You don’t need me, but you want me,” I whispered,
inching my face closer to hers, begging her with my eyes to give me a shot.
Her breath seemed to catch in her throat,
her face turned to complete panic as she struggled to stay composed.
She didn’t say anything, so I continued. “You want
me to fight for you, you want me to stay here and tell you that everything’s going to be okay. You want me to promise
that I’ll never hurt you. You want me to keep
begging you for a shot.”
pressed my lips to the corner of her mouth, kissing gently. She whimpered and
closed her eyes as her whole body tensed against mine.
“You want me to prove to you that not all
guys are lying, cheating scumbags.”
kissed her nose lightly.
“You want me to restore your faith in
kissed the other corner of her mouth; I could feel her trembling.
“You want me to need you back…” I
whispered, my lips brushing against hers. I wasn’t going to kiss her though; I wanted her
to do that. I wanted her to take down the first brick in that wall that she’d built and then I’d work on the rest, she just needed to
make the first move and take a chance. “Don’t you?” I whispered, silently praying for
a yes.
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