Title: Used (Unlovable #1)
Author: Lynetta Halat
Genre: New Adult Romance
Release Date: January 19, 2014
Series: Unlovable
Hosted by: Love Between the Sheets Promotions
I am a slut. No worries. I've come to terms with it, and you will too. I’m not one of those girls who thinks she’s too plain, too fat, too skinny, too shy … no, I don’t have that kind of luck. I’m the girl who knows she’s just right for everyone. — Denver A reputation as a manwhore–with–a–heart–of–gold tends to precede me. But, I don’t do girls with issues, that is until this girl. It's this girl I want to fix. This girl I want to protect. And maybe … more. — Ransom Being in love with the same girl your entire life isn't all it's cracked up to be. She uses me in every way imaginable. How does she see me? I am her perpetual one-night stand. No strings, no attachments. Just mind-numbing sex ... for her anyway. — Greer Feeling like the life is being choked out of her in the small town of Anaconda, Montana, Denver Dempsey craves the escape that college offers … even if that means leaving her “best friend with benefits” and looking for a new way to forget. Thinking she's found the perfect hookup in Ransom, Denver's outlook on college is bright. That is, until Greer shows up looking for a second chance, and Ransom's interest turns to hatred. Love. Hate. Triangle. Who's using who?
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My Review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 5 Out of This World Stars
February 1. 2014

I don’t know how Lynetta keeps doing this, but she has
Amazed me once again. No review can
do this book justice, it’s just impossible. Every one of her books wraps it’s tendrils around you and
USED was no different. I actually find it ironic how much I loved this book
considering how the blurb sort of scared me. Not one for promiscuous character,
I should have known better than to ever doubt Lynetta, as if she could ever
write something bad. Sure, Denver may not be the quiet, demure girl next door
but she is a remarkable character with flaws like the average person and
self-esteem so torn it’s no wonder she sees no other avenue for her life to
“Will he write my name on his notebooks, doodling
little hearts around it? He certainly has doodles his name all over my heart.”-Denver
USED was a remarkable read. From the beginning you are
immersed in this world that everyone may not agree with but we all can
understand in a way why and how Denver’s life got so out of control. In many
ways you have to ask yourself, can we really blame her? In fact for someone who
deems herself a Slut, I in fact found her the total opposite. Sometimes it’s
easier to let people see what they want and make them happy then let them make
their own assumptions. I found Denver very respectable. She’s honest and though
she hides it, she’s a good person with a kind heart. Just the way she is with
her horses is cause enough to like her, not to mention her fabulous taste in
classic rock. And to be clear, I don’t
think Denver is a SLUT, in fact I think she’s far from it, but that’s all I say
about it, for spoiler sake.
“God I want him. When he sings about your favorite
sin doing you in, I fight the urge to throw down my mike, drag him off stage,
and show him sin in the best possible way.”-Denver
If this book was a sport it would be a touchdown and a grand
slam worthy of an Olympic medal. And it’s not even done… I’ll admit I was livid
at the end of the book. Lynetta is known for not writing cliff-hangers and in my
eyes this totally ends on one, throw in a love triangle and I was all out of
sorts. Total USED hangover in progress. As a self-proclaimed HATER of
cliff-hangers I digress, I’m not mad, I’m flipping anxious. There’s so much
left for Denver, Greer and Ransom that I can’t wait too long.

One of the best things I found about USED was the
characters. Denver may not be a character everyone can relate to, but she’s
more real than most lead heroines we read about. Denver has depth and an inner
fight that she rarely feels she deserves. Towards the end of USED I felt Denver
was finally becoming more herself, even just learning who she is. You can’t put
Baby in a corner and she’s got nothing on Denver. Only problem for Denver is,
she’s continually put herself in that corner and now that she knows she worthy
of more, I can’t wait to see the real her Emerge.
“Sometime our first love isn’t meant to be out
I don’t want to focus too much on the storyline of USED.
From the blurb and many reviews I’m sure it’s easy to make assumptions about
whether someone would like or dislike this book but yet I argue this is one
that needs to be experienced. Sure we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover nor should
anyone judge Denver, she’s as much right to exert her sexuality as all our Male
Book Boyfriends. Denver is a unique individual. She’s lost in a world of her
own creation, mainly from fear. She can’t see any other way to live or protect
herself other than by being in control. Both Greer and Ransom challenge this belief
and that just makes Denver more committed.
He is domineering.
He is dominating.
‘How many shades are you?'”-Denver
Can I just say I was not expecting the whole BDSM side to
play a role in a Lynetta Halat book, but this girl can make the most erotic
authors run for their money. I’m seriously giddy for all the Naughty we can
expect in FREED. This is already one of my favorite books this year and I know
it will be a series fave. Somehow there are so many plot lines happening in
such a fundamental way that nothing becomes crowded or overwhelming. I cannot
respect that more. Sometimes authors try to cram information down our throats,
but USED couldn’t be any different, it’s like experiencing it yourself,
everything is seen and felt, Nothing is TOLD.
Now to Ransom and Greer. It’s really hard to pick a side. Though,
I can’t lie at one point in the book, it’s easy to change alliances and join
the other team. Ransom is a cowboy fantasy come to life, chiseled, tattooed and
dominating. Greer is Denver’s best friend and confident. He has always been by
her side and it’s impossible to imagine her life without him. Unfortunately for
Greer, he never puts his foot down enough with Denver, doesn’t assert his
masculinity and I think a force like Denver needs a strong hand to get her
under control. When the pivotal moment
occurs I can’t lie. I was equally worried, scared, enraged and fearful of what
else this man could do. Just another way Denver proved her strength. This girl
won’t let anyone or anything hold her back, damn the rumors or consequences.

Overall USED was just WoNdErFuL. I don’t know why I was shocked
to have loved it so much, Lynetta did write it, but still, this book was
powerful and even an inspiration. It tackles many serious issues and of course
has an undeniable romance that will grab hold of every emotion inside of you. Be
prepared to be changed reading this book but in the best way, no book will do
after this. Now we all just have to hold our breath till FREED releases in

About the Author

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