My name is Gemini Sheridan. At least
that’s what I thought it was for 23 years. Then one day a slight adjustment on
the wheel of my mountain bike set into motion a series of catastrophic events
that changed my life forever. Now I’m running from the headaches that threaten
to destroy me… from the assassins that threaten to kill me… from the truth that
exposes who I really am… and from the man that wants to save me. Because he now
owns my heart and I fear him above all others.
My name is Drexel Wolfe and I’m a private
investigator. Nothing ever stands in the way of what I want because when I see
something I just take it. All of that changed the night my life collided with
Gemini Sheridan’s and now everything is one hot damn mess. And the worst part
of it all is that I’m trying to save her ass and I don’t know why the hell I’m
even bothering. Well, that’s not exactly true. Fact is, I can’t stop thinking
about her. She’s crawled into every thought I own, asleep or awake. I have
serious plans for her that include making her mine. What she doesn’t know is
that when I play, I play for keeps. Nothing and no one will get in my way or
stop me… not even Gemini Sheridan herself.
4.5 Stars ★★★★☆
4.5 Stars ★★★★☆
February 19. 2014
I guess I should probably get to the book at some point and rather than just leave it at it’s awesome I’ll tell you why I thought so. Immediately from the get-go you are sucked in. Gemini is a very powerful character and she is easily very relatable and likable. Gemini’s passion is biking. She’s a pro and knows more about this sport than anything else and finds no greater joy than when she’s pedaling and flying around on her mountain bike. Too soon Gemini’s passion turns to pain when she is injured during a ride. Gemini doesn’t just suffer a bruised ego or body, no. Gemini is left with debilitating migraines that are a daily occurrence. Her pain is so bad that death would be an easier solution. I will certainly never suffer a migraine again without thinking of this book nor will I ever treat them so lightly. Just imagining suffering the way Gemini did is painful and scary. Gemini has been told her situation is basically untreatable so she numbs her pain any way she can, often using drugs and alcohol when she can force herself out of her darkened bedroom.
I could go on about Drex’s awesomeness but he’s best to be devoured on your own. When he is called in by an old friend to work on a case involving missing girls, Drex doesn’t expect to be around for longer than a week or two. Yet on his first night ‘undercover’ Drex sees Gemini and though she brushes him off he can’t stop thinking of her.
I was all over this book like a fat kid and cake. Excuse the cliché but this book was everything I Love in a book and more. I won’t lie and say I wasn’t scared to read it. Not because of the subject matter, cover or author, nothing to that effect. In fact my fear of reading this book stems from having met A.M. Hargrove this past summer. She was one of the nicest and sweetest authors I’ve met. Once she found out I was a blogger she wouldn’t stop signing bookmarks and postcards and more and literally shoving them into my already full hands. (I’m only lucky she did not suffer carpal tunnel for a world without this book would be a sad sad place.) Alas, my fear was untold for every page of Tragic Desires from the start was excellent and I ate it up until I wanted to scream at the unfairness of it even having to end. Every hour I had to work was plagued with thoughts of the characters and what would happen next. If it wasn’t for my basic needs of food and shelter, this book easily would have made me walk out the door.

Suspense, action, adventure. And let’s not forget the romance for this book had it in spades. A burgeoning love that not only grows at a steady and believable pace but brings out emotions and sentiments you didn’t know you possessed. Trust me, Drex will have you up against the wall and begging for more in only a few short chapters.. This man has skills : ) I could go on about Drex’s awesomeness but he’s best to be devoured on your own. When he is called in by an old friend to work on a case involving missing girls, Drex doesn’t expect to be around for longer than a week or two. Yet on his first night ‘undercover’ Drex sees Gemini and though she brushes him off he can’t stop thinking of her.
On a side note: Props to AM Hargrove on all the research she must have done on the sport of mountain biking. Honestly I've never even thought of it in such a serious manner, but Gemini's passion is really tangible in the book and even though I'm not an avid biker all the detail and facts made it so much better and more interesting.
One day, on her way home from work as a sales manager, A. M. Hargrove,
realized her life was on fast forward and if she didn't do something soon, it
would quickly be too late to write that work of fiction she had been dreaming
of her whole life. So, she rolled down the passenger window of her fabulous
(not) company car and tossed out her leather briefcase. Luckily, the
pedestrian in the direct line of fire was a dodge ball pro and had über quick
reflexes enabling him to avoid getting bashed in the head. Feeling a tad
guilty about the near miss, A. M. made a speedy turn down a deserted side
street before tossing her crummy, outdated piece-of-you-know-what laptop out
the window. She breathed a liberating sigh of relief, picked up her cell
phone, called her boss and quit her job. Grinning, she made another call
to her hubs and told him of her new adventure (after making sure his heart was
beating properly again).
So began A. M. Hargrove's career as a YA/NA and Adult Romance writer.
Her books include the following: Edge of Disaster, Shattered Edge and Kissing
Fire (The Edge Series); The Guardians of Vesturon series (Survival,
Resurrection, Determinant, reEmergent and Beginnings); Dark Waltz and
Tragically Flawed.
Other than being in love with writing about being in love, she loves
chocolate, ice cream and coffee and is positive they should be added as part of
the USDA food groups.
Author Links:
Author Goodreads:
Amazon Paperback:
Smashworks: books/view/409261
Tragic Desires—Excerpt 7 Language, Sexual Content
He raises his brows and says, “Gemini,
I’m in bed with an extremely sexy woman. How can you even ask me that?”
Holy shit! My
eyes wander to his chest—how did I not notice that he’s shirtless? What’s wrong
with me? Have I suddenly gone blind? The man is perfect. Before I can think
about it, my hand reaches out and touches him. I don’t dare look at his face
because I know one look from him will melt me on the spot or give me an
indication that this isn’t appropriate, and I don’t need him to tell me that. I
know it’s not appropriate. Hell, it’s not appropriate for me to be in
his bed, either, but here I am, and damn if I’m not going to enjoy every minute
of it.
My fingers trace the curves and slopes
of his rigid muscles, down to his tiered abs. He doesn’t have a six-pack; he
has an exquisitely sculpted set of matching eights that lead me to that sexy V.
I know where that V leads, but I can’t go there because his boxers are in the
way and I’m not brazen enough to slip past the elastic waistband.
But before my thoughts take me any
further, his hand traps mine.
“Gemini, what do you think you’re
My voice is lost, trapped in thickness.
Desire. I’m shocked to find I want this man. Lust unfurls in my belly
and it’s bad enough that I swear I can taste it. My tongue moistens my lips as
my mouth has suddenly become as dry as the Sahara.
“Aren’t you going to answer me?”
His voice is deep, yet soft, and sends
a current racing through me. Even though it’s only his hand touching me, I feel
him all over my skin.
“Um, I …” I find I have no words.
“Gemini, look at me.”
Oh God. I know if I do, I’ll be lost. I
am so screwed.
My head tips upward and I’m nailed by
his heated stare. He’s giving me the half-closed, sexy look.
“You can’t touch me like that and not
expect repercussions.”
What does he mean by that?
“You don’t think I’m going to let you
do that and not retaliate, do you? All I’ve been doing since you walked into my
life is fantasizing about fucking you and here you are, running your fingers
across me. Do you think you can get away with teasing me like that?” I don’t
have to wait long because as soon as he finishes his sentence, he’s on me like
a cat on prey.
His kiss is pure heat and fire and it
ignites one inside me. Our breath mingles as we consume each other with our
tongues. His hands set my body aflame. Our actions are frenzied, crazed, and a
part of my mind screams for control. But then I cut it off because for once, I
don’t want or need control. I only want this to be about the moment.
He must’ve read my mind because he
stops for a second and asks, “Do you want me to stop? Tell me now.”
“No! Please, don’t!” I pull him back to
“I don’t want this to be difficult for
us afterward. Think about it before we go any further.”
“I don’t care about anything right now
but this.” And that’s the damn truth. Maybe it will be difficult after, but if
so, I’ll deal with it then.
“I know, but are you prepared to handle
the aftermath?”
“Yes! I want you, Drex. Do you want
me?” I’m suddenly barraged with doubt.
“Look at me. Touch me. Feel what you do
to me. Do you even have to ask?”
His lips are parted and those damn eyes draw me in. But when
my gaze drifts down to his boxers, I find my answer. My hand reaches for him,
and when I feel how hard he is, I know there’s no stopping us now. We both know
it. I sit up and pull my shirt off and watch him as he studies me. The rise and
fall of his chest quickens, matching mine. I hold my breath as his hand extends
because I know what he’s going to do and I’m not sure I’ll be able to stand it.
When his thumb slides across and pinches my nipple, it feels as though a
million sparks ignite in my belly and radiate outward. My back arches as I push
myself closer to him and sigh. I drop my head back and let the sensations take
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EEEEP! Thank you, Crystal, for the awesome review!! And no, no carpal tunnel yet ;) LOL You had me laughing so hard!!! SO EXCITED HERE that you loved SEXY DREX! Thanks for joining in on the TD tour! BIG (((HUGS)))! xoxoxo