Title: Every Rose
Author: Lynetta Halat
Blurb ~What
do you do when you realize you were foolish enough to throw away true,
unconditional love?
Lorraina Dabney turns her back on her creativity
and tumultuous upbringing to embark on a college career that will lead her to
law school and to becoming what she values most in life—a controlled, powerful,
respected woman. When she stumbles upon her childhood friend's artwork, she
feels inspired to reconnect with him and her former self. This onslaught of emotion will send Lorraina
into a tale-spin to figure out exactly why she abandoned all that she was, all
that she could've been.
Coming from his own chaotic upbringing, Michael
falls quickly and deeply in love with Lorraina at a tender age. Even her
rejection can't stand in the way of his obsession. When she starts to date
other boys, however, Michael finally relents, causing him to spiral further
into a world filled with violence, drugs, alcohol, and women. Realizing his
lifestyle will only lead to his further estrangement from Lorraina, Michael
sets about to turn himself around before going to get his girl.
Michael Bang will have Lorraina questioning
It is literally almost impossible for me to write this
review. Why?? Considering it’s been a few days since I read Every Rose,
one would think I’d have moved on. Well, you thought wrong. Every
Rose is so amazing there are not enough adjectives to cover it’s
amazingness in the dictionary. Every Rose is about
rediscovering an old friend and an old romance and realizing what you thought
you never wanted is exactly what you want and need.
“Even the most beautiful flower, the rose, has the
thorn that makes it imperfect.”-Michael
Lorraina (heroine and narrator) has a rocky childhood in
which she met Michael, whom claimed at 15 that she would be his wife. All
through school, Lorraina spurns Michael’s advances and instead calls him her
best friend. Ten years later, Lorraina is ready to take it back and let Michael
in now realizing he is and always has been her one true love and the one thing
she needs in her life.
The beginning of the story is ingenious because as Lorraina
journals memories of her and Michael’s past, we get to see the beginning of
them from their introduction to Michael’s HUGE crush. In ways Michael is like
the crush we all had in school, only Michael is determined that no matter how
long it takes Lorraina will be his.
“I’ve always known that I loved Michael, but I’d
managed to convince myself that it was a friendly, or even brotherly, love. The
feelings that are threatening to consume me now are anything but
Michael is the best and now my favorite book boyfriend ever.
The best way to describe him is a reformed bad-boy who still sports tattoos,
biker boots, has some anger issues but can serenade you till your clothes fall

I don’t want to say any more about it, in fact I refuse,
because everyone needs to read Every Rose. It is a beautiful love story that
will literally bring you to tears and make your heart smile. There were things
that shocked me especially when it came to Michael, his beliefs and life but
even more so was the connection these two shared even after spending ten years
apart. In all that time Michael held out hope and tried to make himself a
person worthy of his Lorraina. Let’s take an Awwww moment… Even Lorraina was a
joy of a character because there’s at least one if not more endearing qualities
everyone can relate to and once she decided Michael is what and who she wants,
she lets nothing and no one stand in her way. Can’t fault her for that, trust
me, we all need a little Michael in our lives…..
*Beware minor spoiler below*
On a side note, there is something that
happens in this book that will literally make you feel like your life is over.
Somehow though (at least for me) I was able to keep going. Maybe it was the
remarkable writing style of Lynetta Halat or perhaps just Lorraina herself, but
somehow it works. I won’t admit to not wanting to throw things at first and
shove my face into a pillow to sob but at the end of the day I could not
discount how amazing every page in this book was and how happy, no, delighted I
am to have read it.
For as long as she can remember, Lynetta Halat has lived to
read and has written countless stories and plays since she was a young girl. A
teacher by day and an avid reader and closet writer by night, she has always
dreamt of penning books that people could connect with and remember; and her
first novel, Every Rose, is the perfect catalyst to launch her into the world
of publishing. Her love of the English language prompted her to pursue a
master's degree in English from Old Dominion University in Virginia. A
self-proclaimed "Coast Girl," she lives in Mississippi with her
adorable husband, two amazing sons, and two loveable dogs. She is currently at
work on her second book.
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Michael shakes his head and grins at me. I fight the sudden urge
to run my hands through that silky midnight hair of his. “Always so quick to
label and categorize. I guess that’s
what will make you an excellent attorney. Assess. Label. Categorize. Add up the
W’s. ” He leans in a little and whispers, “How about we just go with the flow?
See where it leads us. Label later?” He raises his brows, offering my type-A
dominant personality a direct challenge.
Caution to the wind, very atypical for me, I reply, “OK. I’m up
for it.” Challenge accepted. “You?” Challenge returned.
“You bet, Lorraina,” he rasps softly.
He leans into my door and places his hands on top of mine. I’m
suddenly quite anxious and ever so grateful for the door between us. My hands
get clammy and my heart races. Blood races and pounds in my ears, making me
feel very much awake now. One hand moves up to brush my hair from my forehead
and moves down feather light until his knuckles brush across my cheekbone and
lips. He pulls his thumb slowly across my lips. It’s excruciating. It’s
Both of his hands come forward to frame my face gently, and he
pulls me in for a kiss. A too quick kiss. It’s over before I realize it’s even
begun. He gives me a half smile and turns and walks away.
“Michael!” My voice barely sounds human. More animal in nature.
It’s raw with ache.
He turns and takes two long strides back to me. This time when
he grasps my head it’s anything but gentle. He pulls my lip in and nudges my
lips open with his. All rational thought escapes me. I mirror his grasp and
enjoy the fullness I feel with him in my mouth. I give as good as I get. This
kiss is nothing like our two before. I savor it.
When he turns to walk away, I release a long pent up breath. If
he would’ve looked back, he would’ve seen that I was the one on my knees now.